Learn how to build a strong foundation for your success

Do you need assistance?
Hire me.
1 x 1 Session
You have a career issue related to artist PR, promotion & marketing, and booking? You need personal assistance to help you define and reach some concrete objectives in these fields?
Book a free session to talk about your issue and the assistance I could provide you with.
Send me a message at music4you.net@gmail.com with a short presentation of your musical project, some useful links, and your main issue. I'll answer you and will fix a meeting.
Give Yourself Room to Grow
Tell me if this sounds familiar…
…There’s just not enough time to get everything done. When you cross one thing off your to-do list, you usually have to add another.
…Some days you feel like tedious work has overtaken your creative work.
…You hit the pillow after a busy day and realize you didn’t do anything you really wanted to.
What if there was a way to get out of this trap?
Here is my proposal.
Behind every highly successful person is a support network and pool of resources. There is some work that only YOU can do and some work that you can delegate to others.
In my experience working with artists and musicians, those who delegate tasks not only feel less stressed, they also find that their “creativity pool” expands almost instantly because their mind is no longer bogged down by a long list of to-dos.
So if delegation is key to efficiency and well-being — who should you delegate to?
A personal assistant.
Now, before you roll your eyes and tell me that you can’t afford one, or you’re not ready for one, or you don’t need one — hear me out.
Having a "temporary personal assistant" (this is my offer to you)looks different for every artist or musician. Once we have identified your most urgent needs and agreed about them, we'll create together an arrangement that is designed specifically to answer the more pressing ones. We'll agree on a to-do-list, a budget, and a time frame. I'll work remotely on that list, reporting regularly on the progress.
It might be time to hire an assistant if you need some help planning the next steps of your career. I can help you build your strategy, organize a plan, give you resources, and keep you accountable as you move forward.
There is of course no ONE way to have an assistant. The only requirement is that there is something in your life or career that you could use assistance with.
Many artists and musicians hesitate to hire help because they are not sure how many hours they want someone to work, or a million other factors that could play out in different ways.
You only learn by taking action. So we can start with the least amount of hours that you think you need for certain tasks (creating your folder of assets, defining your brand identity, identifying your audience, writing your biography, building your EPK, re-organising your website, start building your mailing list,....) to see how it works between us.
If you feel like you need help right now, drop me a line, and let's fix a free call.

With the course, we've been able to start meeting our fans internationally, improve our visibility, and made more professional connections. New doors opened!