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Season's Highlights:  

oktopus eu tour1


Album Release November 2024 

Indian- Italian 

Singer, Musician, Songwriter, Performer 

Music therapist, Travel addict 

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namritha veil
Namritha Nori_edited

"Her music is imbued with depth and empathy, reflecting her diverse identities, influences and aspirations". 

Concert Avails 

Venues, Festivals, Media

Discover Exciting Artists
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Music4You Roster 25
Bonfire on the Beach

Topmost Folk


At MUSIC4YOU, we are known across the world, folk, and jazz community for our commitment to promoting Europe's rich music diversity.

Our focus lies in supporting independent music artists, particularly those in the startup and discovery stages of their careers.

Through collaboration with various stakeholders in the music ecosystem—including music agencies, festivals, venues, arts organizations, and culture hubs—we strive to foster an environment conducive to sustainable growth. 

Our services encompass a range of vital areas, including consulting, export guidance, marketing, booking assistance, capacity building, and grant writing. 

However, our mission extends beyond music alone. We believe in the transformative power of culture to foster peace, intercultural dialogue, social inclusion and eco-consciousness. As a result we are involved in various cooperation projects. 

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Want to book a M4Y artist?

Submit An Offer Here! 




 European Folk Network -  Musicconnect Italy

Darshan - CalabriaSona/ItalySona

Veneto Jazz - Kino Music

Oued Music - Aida Music  - Babel Arts Belgrade

Agence Danielle Lefebvre

Waterwaves Radio - Lineatrad


MOST MUSIC - Music in the Circle - European Folk Day 

You're an artist? You need guidance to reach the market?
Check World Music Lab 

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The MUSIC ARTIST BLUEPRINT is an exciting 6-module coaching curriculum centered around crucial elements that lay the groundwork for effective discovery readiness.


It helps you understand what it takes to build strong foundations for discovery readiness, self-promotion, and business launch.  

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